May is Mental Health Awareness Month
Lead Well:
Each year millions of Americans face the reality of living with a mental illness. The National Alliance for Mental Illness (NAMI) provides support to those who need it. Use this content to educate, inspire and lead well by sharing it with colleagues, employees, and customers in any format that works for you.
Tools to Inspire
In our 2023 Employee Wellness Survey, 16% of respondents said that work “Somewhat negatively or very negatively contributes to their negative emotional health”. The good news is that this number has improved over the previous year’s result (23%).
Creating a workplace that is supportive and focused on the unique needs of your team is critical, and requires dedication, aligned leadership and intention.
Learn How to Support Your Team
Consider this Mental Health Strategy Checklist to identify key factors for success.
Check out our Living Well at Work Guide – Supporting Mental Health at Work for details on how you can develop your organization’s mental health strategy.
Sign up to be a Distribution Partner in our upcoming I Care Employee Wellness Survey taking place in June. Reach out to learn more about how participating in this initiative can support your team in well-being.
Share Information and Inspire Action
Share this poster with your team to remind them how they can support mental health in the workplace.
Check out this link – Mental Health Resources, which provides details on a toll-free mental health hotline, courtesy of our charitable partner, NAMI.
Move More. A healthy body helps support a healthy mind. Get Into Working Out with this infographic from our charitable partner, American Heart Association.
For more resources that you can share with your team, check out our Managing Stress and Anxiety page available on INDEAL Cares’ Living Well Library.