INDEAL is a partner in progress to both suppliers and dealers in the commercial furniture industry, offering a focused product strategy designed to support its members’ growth through sophisticated, marketing, training and knowledge-based programs.
As a supporter and champion of healthy workplaces for INDEAL, it’s brand partners, and the industry at large, INDEAL recognizes that it is uniquely positioned to make a marked difference in the health and well being of the commercial furniture industry in North America. INDEAL is taking a leadership position in understanding the role that the workplace furnishings industry can play in fundamentally changing the way that people live and work.
INDEAL launched INDEAL Cares to empower its partners with tools, education, and support for sustainable behavior change and improved workplace wellness.
Click here to learn more about the story of INDEAL Cares with Founder, Dave Bloch.

INDEAL Cares was established by INDEAL to support healthy workplace communities in North America and in under-served communities globally. INDEAL Cares works to empower sustainable, healthy workplace environments for employees in North America; and by supporting other like-minded charitable organizations to carry out this work internationally.
Learn more about our areas of focus, and our giving strategy.
Giving Back Health Abroad

Giving Back Health Abroad is a Canadian charitable organization that was set up by the Bloch family in honor of their daughter, Dr. Shannon Bloch. Funds from Global Health Aboard will be directed to supporting Doctors of Chiropractic residing in North America who are selected to volunteer with World Spine Care Canada, in Botswana Africa through the Dr. Shannon Bloch Volunteer Grant. This grant will provide candidates with an opportunity to give back to communities in Botswana while gaining valuable clinical experience.
To learn more about Giving Back Health Abroad’s areas of focus, and our giving strategy, click here.