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I Care Employee Wellness Survey Report 2022 – Focus on Mental Health

The I Care Employee Wellness Survey is an annual initiative that aims to better understand the health and well-being of individuals working in the commercial interiors industry. This year’s survey was securely hosted by our work experience data provider, Align.

The insights outlined in this year’s survey report will build on our knowledge, provide a better understanding of the employee experience, identify new product needs, and offer clarity on how the industry can empower employees to live their best lives in the workspace.

Sign up to get the 2022 I Care Employee Wellness Survey Report here.

As the industry continues to struggle to find qualified, diverse talent, being clear with your team about your commitment to their mental well-being and following through on that commitment is critical. This year’s employee wellness survey report provides valuable insight on how the work experience impacts health and well-being, and what you can do to support healthy lives at work.


A variety of roles and positions within the industry were represented in the survey, including:

  • 34% Dealers

  • 19% Manufacturers

  • 16% from A&D Firms

  • 14% from Independent Rep Groups

  • 13% Consultants

  • 3% from other areas of the industry

Focus on Mental Health

Positive Mental Health Supports All Health Investing in creating a positive, stigma-free work environment that supports mental health is a critical way to support your employees, enhance their physical well-being, reduce burnout, prevent disease, and improve productivity. It is the single most important thing leaders can do to make positive changes to the work environment.

By the Numbers:

66% of survey respondents reported their mental health as either ‘excellent’ or ‘very good’. This was up from 59% in 2021.

However, there is clearly an opportunity to do more. 23% of respondents said that work ‘somewhat negatively’ or ‘very negatively’ contributes towards their mental and emotional health, and when asked about the areas of health they wanted to improve, the following opportunities were identified.

  • 47% said, “reduce stress and anxiety”

  • 29% said, “feel more engaged and excited at work”

  • 37% said, “have a better work/life balance”

  • 37% said, improve my mental health to feel ‘happier’

Mental Health Impacts all Health:

  • When we cross-referenced positive mental health against daily activity, we found that those with excellent mental health were more likely to report good movement in the workplace.

  • When we cross-referenced positive mental health against those who have back or neck pain, we found that those with excellent mental health were less likely to have back or neck pain (40%) vs. those who self-reported as having poor mental health (83%).

Working Spaces and Mental Health 33% of survey respondents working entirely remotely WITH a designated workspace ranked their mental health as excellent, as compared to just 14% of respondents working in a hybrid environment.

80% of survey respondents working entirely remotely WITH a designated workspace ranked their mental health as either excellent or good, as compared to just 58% of respondents working entirely on-site at their employer’s facility.

What You Do, Matters Providing your team with flexibility, autonomy, and tools and resources to take care of their well-being will support a productive, healthy environment, and will encourage employee engagement and retention. When we asked survey respondents about what their employer had done to demonstrate a commitment to workplace wellness, this is what they said:

51% said: ‘Allows flexibility in terms of ways of working and hours of working’

44% said: ‘Encourages and supports social gatherings with our team’

42% said: ‘Allows staff to work from home if they want to do so’

Your Opportunity

As leaders and influencers of health at work, not only in the commercial furniture industry, but all industries that rely on and utilize the products and services developed and brought to market, we all have a powerful and unique opportunity: to design, implement, and support a mentally healthy workplace for employees in the industry and outside of it.

Support Your Team in Mental Health

We are committed to working with charitable partner, NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness), to provide mental health resources that ensure all people within the industry have the support they need, and that the commercial interiors industry is leading the way in creating and promoting a Stigma Free Workspace.

Check out the “Your Healthy Mind” section of our Living Well Library and download tips for managing anxiety, learning more about meditation and mindfulness, and how you can support mental health at work.

Developing a mental health strategy is an important first step in creating a culture that will support emotional well-being at work. Check out our Living Well at Work Guide: Mental Health at Work for a step-by-step guide on supporting the emotional needs of your employees.

Reach out to Executive Director, Stefanie Ince to learn about the tools, resources, and engagement opportunities that are available through INDEAL Cares – and what you can do to support health and well-being in your workplace today.



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